Tuesday, January 29, 2008

first 100 Postal History FLS on Squidoo.

Well, I've been busy again. The first section of 96 Postal History FLS from 1745 to 1832 have been put on a Squidoo lens.

I hope to add the additional covers as time goes on to preserve the collection I am now selling on eBay.


The Haertle Auction Begins Thursday

The first batches of lots will be launched on Thursday January 31st. This first segment will consist of 27 Civil War patriotic covers. These will include 17 postaly used patriotic covers and 10 lots of from 3-5 unused patriotics including at least one confederate patriotic.

<- This is one of the covers, a Cure for Rebellion, free franked in Washignton DC by J Buffington, who I take to be a member of Congress from Rhode Island although I did not check.