Friday, February 15, 2008

Fancy Cancels up Maritime Stampless Up

Haertel Estate Postal History Auction Update

On Thursday January 31st we launched 50 Folded Letters from
Colonial to 1809 time period. These closed on February 10th. 70 %
of the lots sold. Many at high multiples of their minimum bids. The
unsold will be repriced and auctioned on March 6th.

On February 7th we launched another 120 stampless covers and FLS
from 1810 to 1855, with a number of restored rate covers and other
very desirable rated covers. Also launched February 7th were the
Free Franks, including the presidential free franks from James
Madison, John Quincy Adams & others as well as over 50 other free
franks of all descriptions, many exceptional items. Added to the
mix is a nice collection of better Wisconsin Territorial and DPO

All of these will Close this Sunday evening, February 17th.

Yesterday, on Valentines Day we launched a sweetheart of a
collection of over 120 Better Fancy Cancels on cover. This
exceptional selection has some real winners.

Included are a few early precancels including a Glen Allen,
Va red Precancel Star with Cert. Also listed on Valentine's
day was a selection of international stampless covers to and from
the US from colonial times to 1860s with sea postage rates. These will close on February 24th.

The Balance of the Collection will be coming up on the 21st if
I can get it all done on time. That will Include the Lincoln
campaign cover, Confederate covers, stamped postal history to
1900, Express, and some other goodies.

Go now to: Haertel Estate Postal History Auction

Best wishes, etn